19 respuestas a “Forbidden Education

  1. nataliacepe 18 marzo, 2018 / 11:19 pm

    I think that it’s a sad history but is necessary for us. We must learn but in my opinion we don’t have a good form for learn. Although we have lucky with teachers, and schools because there are very important.
    But for me, the best school that’s life, outside of school, we must learn many things and be wrong, because it’s the best way to lear, for ourselves.

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  2. victor olmedo cañas 18 marzo, 2018 / 10:50 pm

    In my opinion this video is very interesting,
    This video teaches us that things are not as sometimes seem and you have to be attentive to how we live in reality and be aware of everything that happens around us, this is my conclusion about this video

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  3. Andrei Scorus 18 marzo, 2018 / 9:46 pm

    This video makes me think about the things you learn in school. I think that in many subjects we are not learning what should be learned. I also think that when we finish our studies, we will not defend ourselves, because maybe, everything we are learning will not be necessary for that real world.

    I think that in addition to learning Mathematics or Language, we must learn other things.

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  4. Mairena Garcia 18 marzo, 2018 / 9:20 pm

    In my opinion this video is very interesting,
    This video teaches us that sometimes we seem to know everything and in reality it is not like that.
    I liked the comparison he made between the two perspectives of history.
    in conclusion the message that this video transmits me is that we must know what is happening around us

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  5. clariitamoreno 18 marzo, 2018 / 7:45 pm

    As the video shows, we have some rules which are established that we have to fulfill and that we can´t change. In this way, the people who do everything the rules say are good and the people who don´t do it are those who fail. As a result, the creativity of the people is incredibily reduced and thousands of students are unsuccessful .

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  6. Marta Mena Ligero 18 marzo, 2018 / 6:39 pm

    I think this video wants to tell us what education was like in that story. But now it isn’t like that. This video wants to explain the importance of having a teacher teach you what he has learned, his knowledge, and so it will be more entertaining than for example if you put yourself in front of a book to study everything. That to study everything as in the book would be what happens to those in this story, forcing them to learn. The conclusion is that there are many ways to learn.

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  7. Miriam Perona 18 marzo, 2018 / 5:58 pm

    This video makes me think that the school doesn´t teach us the thigs that will really help us when we go out into the real word.

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  8. Sandra Blanco 18 marzo, 2018 / 5:27 pm

    This video has made me think about our day to day at school. We are educated in many subjects such as mathematics or literature, but often we are not taught values ​​and things necessary for real life, which is outside the walls of the institute. At school they treat us like robots, where we can not talk and we must obey the rules that others impose on us.

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  9. Inmaculada Lara 18 marzo, 2018 / 1:04 pm

    I believe that this video wants us to know that we have to have a lot of knowledge so they can not be with us and do not take us along the path that interests them

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  10. Ana Izquierdo 17 marzo, 2018 / 8:37 pm

    In my opinion, this video teaches us that it is necessary to know and know what happens to our around, so that they can not deceive, so that we are strong and powerful, also, that it is necessary to share our knowledge to help others to see things as they are really.

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  11. Eva López 17 marzo, 2018 / 8:04 pm

    This video makes me think about the purpose of the school. It is true that we are very lucky to be able to go to school but there are some things that do not seem good to me.
    At school we do math, literature, etc … but they do not focus on the things that we will really need when we go out into the world alone. For example, what good is it for me to know the work of Lope de Vega if I do not know how to face a problem later?
    To this day, some teachers try to help us know how to live well when we go to work but education in general only focuses on learning some dates and some lessons that we will later forget after a week. This will not help us in the future.

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  12. silviavm01 17 marzo, 2018 / 1:35 pm

    One new word is a «tweet» since it is a word that has been created in the last years. Twitter is a social network for young people, where people comment on how thet feel, on thing that they like, etc.
    I like this social network

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  13. martasalinasmunilla 17 marzo, 2018 / 1:19 pm

    I think that the finally of this video is the school is very important for us. We are very lucky because we can easily learn. I agree with this video, but I think that the teachers must motivate.

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  14. silviaortizs 10 marzo, 2018 / 12:53 pm

    I think that this video is very good, because it makes the criticism so necessary to education.
    I think it’s necessary to be in the «cave» learning the theory of the life, but the real world should discover it on our own.
    However, in the «cave» or in «school» they should teach us or anticipate what we will find when we go out at the real world.
    Even so, I think that we always learn on our own, watching and listening with motivation to those who teach us, and making mistakes a thousand times in the real world, when we go out to it.

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  15. Nerea García López 9 marzo, 2018 / 4:33 pm

    This video make me to think in what are we learning in school. I think that in some subjects, we are not learning all of we should.
    I also consider, that when we finish our studies, and get out to the real world, we won’t defend us, because maybe, all we are learning won’t be necessary for that real world.

    I believe that we have to learn other things besides Lenguage or Maths.

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  16. Santiago Flores Millán 8 marzo, 2018 / 5:30 pm

    This story has driven me to the next conclusion:
    We shouldn`t believe just what other people tell us. We must also find out as much as possible by ourselves. Because what people say could be true or false.

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  17. Sara Mateo 1 marzo, 2018 / 10:11 pm

    This video has really made me think about what we know. Over the years humans have always wanted to know ‘because of things» and therefore with science,
    Although it is not always correct because they are constantly wrong. We don’t always know everything we think, that’s why we should explore and continue to think reasonably.

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  18. Ángela MPH 27 febrero, 2018 / 5:49 pm

    It makes me feel that sometimes we think we know a lot about the world, and, in reality, we don’t know anything at all.
    Sometimes we think there’s only one point of view of things, and that’s not true: It is really important learning new things from teachers and books, but it is also necessary finding out information by ourselves, reflecting and thinking about it.

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  19. ismaelgx2 15 febrero, 2018 / 5:05 pm

    It makes me think a little bit about what motivation allows us to move forward, in the sense that as seen in the video that person at the beginning, had no interest in what he saw, when he left the cave he could know I had a little bit to his surroundings and thus gain knowledge, this allows him to gain motivation and enthusiasm to know more why he decides to return to the cave but already in a free way. This serves as a clear example in the institute for example in a subject that you like, that person will want to learn more instead if it is in another that no, the class will be boring. So I can say that I liked the video and mention that with motivation and desire you can do everything

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