Life Goals

What are your life goals? Read these reflections and think  and write about your life goals.


«I was recently reflecting on what success looks like in my life. If I were to die in a week, a year, or a few decades, what would it take for me to be able to say, “Well, I did it — I accomplished everything I wanted. I lived a successful life.”

In considering this question, I realized that there is nothing particular I feel I need to achieve or complete. There are just ways in which I want to live.

I want to live with honesty, with health, with love, and with generosity. I want to have spent meaningful time with the people I care most about.

None of these are things I could earn or buy, they are only things I can do — and things I need to keep doing.

None are the types of things I can cross off a list and be done with — they are ongoing ways of being.

An outlook, an attitude, a habit — a way of life.

So when it comes to goals, I realized that it’s important not just to think about what I want to achieve, but also to think about how I want to live.»


The journey continues,

Dave Radparvar
Co-Founder, Holstee