Life Goals

What are your life goals? Read these reflections and think  and write about your life goals.


«I was recently reflecting on what success looks like in my life. If I were to die in a week, a year, or a few decades, what would it take for me to be able to say, “Well, I did it — I accomplished everything I wanted. I lived a successful life.”

In considering this question, I realized that there is nothing particular I feel I need to achieve or complete. There are just ways in which I want to live.

I want to live with honesty, with health, with love, and with generosity. I want to have spent meaningful time with the people I care most about.

None of these are things I could earn or buy, they are only things I can do — and things I need to keep doing.

None are the types of things I can cross off a list and be done with — they are ongoing ways of being.

An outlook, an attitude, a habit — a way of life.

So when it comes to goals, I realized that it’s important not just to think about what I want to achieve, but also to think about how I want to live.»


The journey continues,

Dave Radparvar
Co-Founder, Holstee

22 respuestas a “Life Goals

  1. emma castaño 18 marzo, 2018 / 10:53 pm

    I agree with this text. There is a saying «love the live your life live the life you love». There is only one life and it’s so important that live it as you please.

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  2. victor olmedo cañas 18 marzo, 2018 / 10:38 pm

    I agree with these opinions. It is more important to know how we want to live our present and put aside the future because we have to take advantage of these moments that can only be lived once and you have to live them now, you will have your time to study what you like or be a teacher etc.. And of course my people around me are absolutely missing out on anything like health and happiness.

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  3. Esther aguado 18 marzo, 2018 / 10:13 pm

    I agree with this publication because I think that if you have a successful life but don’t live as you want, you aren’t happy and vice versa, I think the main thing is to think how you like to live and then think about the achievements that you will be happier. know how to live loving, respecting, being faithful to me is living well and if you achieve your goals, I think you live completely happy.

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  4. Andrei Scorus 18 marzo, 2018 / 10:01 pm

    I agree with the opinion of these people about the goals of life.
    I think we should think about the present and, at the same time, take into account what we want to do in the near future. One of my goals would be to try to be something in the world and at the same time to form a family.

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  5. Laura Morales 18 marzo, 2018 / 9:36 pm

    Sometimes we just focus on overcoming our goals, whatever the form, and we forget how we want to live, whether we are enjoying our life or not. I agree with this reflection, we should think about how we want to live.

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  6. Noelia Salvago López 18 marzo, 2018 / 8:43 pm

    My goals in life are the most typical ones: travel around the world, meeting new people, get a good job in a good place…so many like these.
    But if I had to pick just one I think it could be to live away from here. Not in a bad way, I love my country and most of the things it has but I’m always thinking about how it could be living in a place completely different from what we’re used to. I thought about it and this new city could be for example Seoul or maybe Tokyo.
    Basically, I want to live something new, maybe it’s hard but it is what I would like.

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  7. Sandra Blanco 18 marzo, 2018 / 5:42 pm

    I totally agree with the author of this article, at the end of life people ask us if we have everything we wanted in life. In my case, for example, if I was about to die, I would like to have lived a shared life with the people I love the most and have been a good person. I would also like to have made peace with the people with whom I have fought and not have » pending accounts ». You have to enjoy life because we never know when it’s the last time.

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  8. nataliacepe 18 marzo, 2018 / 10:56 am

    I totally agree with these reflexions. I love life and I would like do all I want before I died, but over all enjoy, do many thins, have love and health. I’m scared of dying because comes when you least expect it. Life is very short, and we have to take it.

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  9. nataliacepe 18 marzo, 2018 / 10:49 am

    I totally agree with these reflexions.
    I love life and I would like live all I want, enjoy, and do many things. I wh

    Me gusta

  10. Ángela MPH 17 marzo, 2018 / 8:24 pm

    Currently, I have a lot of life goals, such as studying in the university, finding a good job, travelling with my family and friends, meeting new people, learning new languages…
    Anyway, although these life goals are for the future, I am very happy with my present, and I try to enjoy every minute I live.
    The best way to face the future is enjoying our present!

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  11. Eva López 17 marzo, 2018 / 8:03 pm

    Maybe when I say that my goals are to find a job that I like or travel a lot around the world, it sounds typical, but these are the things I would like to do with my life.
    I can’t imagine my life without working on something that I like and that
    it motivates me. I would also like to travel to many countries to know many traditions and many new places.
    Definitely, I would like to do something with my life that I’ll never regret.

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  12. Raul Burillo 17 marzo, 2018 / 1:56 pm

    My goals in life are to become something in the future to have a good job and achieve my obreams, like getting the job that I want and being able to have a family. At the moment I don’t have many, but I think that with the pass of time the list will be expanded.

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  13. silviavm01 17 marzo, 2018 / 1:16 pm

    I agree with this passage, when thinking about something that is thinking what we want to achieve before a time, but also thinking about the way we want to live, not all people live their lives equally. Be an example of person to follow in life is the biggest goal in life.

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  14. martasalinasmunilla 17 marzo, 2018 / 12:42 pm

    I didn’t though my life goals, because I prefer live day a day and don’t think about the future. But my life goals that I’m sure to do are: travel for differents countries, finish high school and find a good job.

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  15. Maria Quevedo Buitrago 11 marzo, 2018 / 5:24 pm

    I agree with these opinions. It’s more important to know how we want to live (with love, peace, health…) that what we want to achieve.
    We have to worry more about our present, to be happy, to enjoy little moments, our family and our friends.
    I want to get a job as a teacher, start a family and learn to enjoy the moments and people that go through my life. Also that the people that I love, have health and achieve their goals.

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  16. martajdom2001 11 marzo, 2018 / 1:52 pm

    I agree with the opinion of these people about the objectives of life.
    I think we should think about our present and at the same time keeping in mind what we want to do in a couple of years. One of my goals would be to form a family and at the same time work on what I like to be satisfied with what I have in life.

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  17. Irene Martinez Quevedo 10 marzo, 2018 / 6:57 pm

    My life goals are very simple and easy to achieve.
    All I want is to live with the people I love, meet a lot of people and visit different countries, my desire is to travel to India with my family.
    I want to enjoy every day of my life and be like I really want to be

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  18. silviaortizs 10 marzo, 2018 / 3:45 pm

    Yes, it’s true. And above all we, teenagers, those who need to decide what we want to do with our lives, those who spend a lot of our time imagining our future, we only think about what we want to achieve, our goals, but not in how we want to feel and what our mood should be until that happens.
    For my part, I can say that I’m very very clear about my goals, wich are being overcome little by little, that is, I don’t have an objetive when I will have 30 years old, but I have annual goals, because without goals there isn’t motivation, and without motivation the life doesn’t make sense.
    Finish well the bachillerato, going to the surroundings of Madrid to study something that I love, to have the job of my dreams, and that more than considering it a job, I will consider it a hobby. To have time for myself: to read, to listen music…, and for discover as much as possible, to travel a lot.
    But while I’m making all this possible, what I want is to be myself, I want to be happy.

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  19. Nerea García López 9 marzo, 2018 / 4:00 pm

    I tinks that the author it’s right, because it’s better live in the way that you like, and that way be the life goals, instead of visit different places or do something special.

    I never do a list with my life goals, and I try not to think in when I go to die, because I consider that think this, damage your day-to-day

    However, I have always dreamed with travel to Netherland and other countrys such as United States, Australia, Japan or Germain.

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  20. Santiago Flores Millán 8 marzo, 2018 / 5:59 pm

    My life goals are very common but they are really important to me. Getting a good job is quite difficult nowadays so if I found a good job, I would be blissful. Having a family would make me happy too.
    I also want to travel to other countries.

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  21. ismaelgx2 8 marzo, 2018 / 3:43 pm

    It is true that I could say that I have done everything that I have wanted, I have shared time with that person that I wanted or I have managed to complete that collection that I wanted so much, but it would be a lie. My goals are quite simple and they are not ambitious (I think) the only thing I want to do is have a long and lasting life, I want to meet many people, to travel and to know new things. I am not a materialistic person (at least I avoid being one) I have tried not to tie myself to things that I can not do, my goals could be summed up in one, live day to day, I think it is one that I am completing little by little.

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  22. Sara Mateo 1 marzo, 2018 / 10:00 pm

    I agree with the reflections of these people. I believe that life is not based on simply achieving goals in any way, but that you have to achieve them with with honesty, with health, with love, and with generosity.
    In my life I want to achieve the work of my dreams, and it is something that is education is difficult but I can achieve it. I also want to have a family and that the people I love get what they want and have health.

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