18 respuestas a “What a thief!

  1. Noelia Salvago López 18 marzo, 2018 / 8:21 pm

    Maybe he just didn’t put the cardboard in a right way in front of the camera or maybe it was a sudden decision to try to rob a bank. But one thing is sure, he failed his mission in a very unusual way.
    Please nobody takes this as an advice but I think that if you’re going to do something like that the least you can do is to prepare better a few days before. Obviously this thief is not used to do things like these but who knows, maybe in the future he will be a proffesional in this, practice makes perfect.

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  2. clariitamoreno 18 marzo, 2018 / 6:57 pm

    I think these types of thieves have everything prepared and all they want is to stand out, and as a result of this become famous. I can’t imagine that there are people so stupid to make these mistakes in these serious things.They can have serious consequences like go to prison.

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  3. Miriam Perona 18 marzo, 2018 / 6:24 pm

    I think that it´s a very funny video, they are beginner thieves ant they haven´t been planed well.
    For example, the thief who enters whita box because he is seen a lot and only gets arrested it before.

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  4. Marta Mena Ligero 18 marzo, 2018 / 6:22 pm

    I think that this type of thieves have done it this way so that people see them on TV and become famous. Because it isn’t normal for them to be so stupid, as is the case with this man who is inside forty minutes to steal and goes so little prepared.

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  5. Irene Grande 18 marzo, 2018 / 1:12 pm

    There are very funny videos, we can see that they are begginer thieves. The best is the last, when hurts his partner.
    I think they aren’t ready to be quality thieves, rather they are stupid.

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  6. Inmaculada Lara 18 marzo, 2018 / 12:24 pm

    This video is funny but at the same time it is a disaster because again it shows how little prepared we are in some things
    Besides, this video shows that in this society we are hurting

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  7. Mairena Garcia 18 marzo, 2018 / 3:02 am

    I think this video is very funny, it has entertained me a lot like the thief did this disaster,.
    On the other hand, the thief was a bit silly, because he didn’t plan the robbery very well

    the thief has been caught by the police because he has committed a bad robbery

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  8. Ana Izquierdo 17 marzo, 2018 / 8:49 pm

    I am very amused by these types of thieves, because they clearly see their poor preparation and little experience.
    I think we mustn’ steal, but if you’re going to do it… at least think well as!

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  9. Raul Burillo 17 marzo, 2018 / 1:37 pm

    I think that the thief didn’t do it well and that he should have been more prepared, that is. I think he wasn’t very professional and hadn’t stolen many times before, so he lacks enough practice and it didn’t help him at all since he was caught. So he needs to go better disguised and try to be unnoticed, break the cameras and don’t be dumb since it is useless.

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  10. silviavm01 17 marzo, 2018 / 1:11 pm

    The only way to know who steals is through the cameras, but since you start to steal, do it well because if they do not stop you. As it appears in the video that one is going to throw a stone and it gives to the one that accompanies to him, with which they would catch to some, or even both.

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  11. martasalinasmunilla 17 marzo, 2018 / 12:25 pm

    I think that this video it’s like a film that cause laughter. The boy didn’t think well the plan, but for the other side he can’t steal nothing of money and the police could arrest him.

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  12. Ángela MPH 16 marzo, 2018 / 5:04 pm

    When I saw this video I could only think in two options:
    Or the thief is kidding, and he wants to be arrested, or he is extremely silly.
    I don’t think a person can be so silly, so I definitely think this «thief» wanted to joke, and didn’t mind to get arrested.
    Maybe he wanted to be famous, and decided to reach his fame in this way.
    But sincerely, I don’t know what to think about him…

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  13. Santiago Flores Millán 12 marzo, 2018 / 6:31 pm

    In my opinion, the thief is a rookie. He should have knovn that nowadays there are lots of cams which are constantly watching us. He definetely helped the police to arrest him .

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  14. martajdom2001 11 marzo, 2018 / 2:13 pm

    I think that these thieves had not thought about what they were doing but they wanted to make a robbery without the consequences that it has, nor the security that it can have. The way they come in with a cardboard box is not the most serious way to steal, so they would not be thinking about what they do just for fun.

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  15. Irene Martinez Quevedo 10 marzo, 2018 / 7:27 pm

    I believe that the thieve wasn´t focused on what he was doing and he didn´t devote the necessary time to think about a plan to rob bank. Because stealing of bank is very difficult and it is a bad behavior. The thief deserves to go to prison

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  16. silviaortizs 10 marzo, 2018 / 4:15 pm

    I think that these thieves are beginners, and they have never stolen, and they haven’t thought so much about how they were going to do, or didn’t know the security measures that exist… They have only wanted to steal, and they have stolen, yes, but without planning, wich is the most important thing in a mission that you want to carry out.

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  17. Nerea García López 9 marzo, 2018 / 4:26 pm

    It seems to me curious and interesting, because I was in Quel more than a time, and I meet some people that live there, and I have never listened that notice.

    I think that this person had try to do a joke, because it’s impossible, except if him has a psychological illness, that him believed that the thieve will work. It’s extremely easy to see him behind the cardboard.

    I don’t know why him do that, but maybe the reason is for make a scene.

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  18. ismaelgx2 8 marzo, 2018 / 3:54 pm

    It comes to mind with this video, all those movies where a group of people devise a super expectacular plan to rob a bank or a person, because this man if he had more than 2 fingers in front of me, I think he would have lined up, if I would have put the cardboard box right where the camera would already have part of the work done, as to what he has used to get the money as the radial and powder, well there could have been a little more curiado, and take 43 minutes to open the cashier is a little excessive, when the movies take a maximum of 15 minutes. Normal that in the end they caught him and put him in jail, only he would have lacked that they had told him: We have put you in jail for being a fool. And it goes that the other rookies of thief also have their cloth, they are not the most expert I think it has been clear, it has made me very funny about all those who go so quiet walking and when they see the camera, they turn backwards.

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