The End Justifies The Means

Apparently, some people think that a good outcome justifies any wrongs committed to attain it. For example, getting independence by any means, that’s it, using violence or risking human lives. This is what this common idiom is used for.

Do you agree with it?

15 respuestas a “The End Justifies The Means

  1. celiamedina03 16 diciembre, 2018 / 11:51 pm

    I disagree with this because not everything worth to get what you want.
    Because the end doesn’t justify the means.

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  2. daniherreros03 16 diciembre, 2018 / 4:46 pm

    I dont agree theese because not It is neccessary to do violence.

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  3. angel sanchez 14 diciembre, 2018 / 12:00 am

    I don´t agree with that because I think it´s very radical and crazy, risking human lives and using the violence only for one purpose.
    it seems that we are in another time, having people think this

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  4. luciajimenez23 13 diciembre, 2018 / 11:35 pm

    I don’t agree with that affirmation because most of the injustices that happen in the world are because the most powerful leaders want to justify their bad actions and decisions because of that idea, i think that this is only a way to blame others for our own acts.

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  5. Maria Reyes 13 diciembre, 2018 / 10:30 pm

    I don’t agree with this because in my opinion you can’t justify your bad actions with the result of these. I think that each person is responsible for their actions and they must learn to admit their mistakes. For example, kill or torture innocent people during wars will never be justified or mistreat other people

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  6. Maria Sevilla Montejano 13 diciembre, 2018 / 9:40 pm

    I don’t agree because you always have to do things thinking the best, because having done something wrong to realize what I wanted to do well, because that’s how you learn, and not to do things again.

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  7. adn0396 13 diciembre, 2018 / 8:27 pm

    I do not agree because you always have to do things thinking the best way to do them. You should never do things in bad ways

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  8. rociobelloncobogmailcom 13 diciembre, 2018 / 8:18 pm

    I don’t agree that the end justifies the means ,since this means that when the final goal is important any means are valid to achieve it. I think we would all do what we wanted because everything would be justifiable

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  9. Sheila Simon 13 diciembre, 2018 / 8:01 pm

    I don´t agree because having done something wrong to get what I wanted is not known if that result will be forever or just for a little while and I could regret time after what I have done

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  10. sergimur09 13 diciembre, 2018 / 7:48 pm

    I personally don’t agree with this because if every act is justified by the result you can be justifying very dangerous acts that may even go to the extreme of killing someone or many people or violating the human rights. For example, if you are part of the royal family and you are the second in the line of succession, you can’t justify the murder of your brother because you wanted to be king.

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  11. cogp04 13 diciembre, 2018 / 6:56 pm

    I don’t agree it because you must assimilate your acts. You won’t make people change their thinkings about your acts doing something well. Initially, you mustn’t do anything bad with that magnitude of heaviness. Kill people is not a game, is so serious, and you will never be forgiven of that crime. This is my opinion.

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  12. Silvia Martinez 13 diciembre, 2018 / 4:37 pm

    I don´t agree with that because you can´t justify your acts in the moment, you have to think about that and then do it.

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  13. martapj15 12 diciembre, 2018 / 5:34 pm

    I don’t agree with this because I think that you can’t justify your acts with that. For example,the effects of wars can’t be justified by their means, because in wars everything can be destroyed and everyone can get killed by another person who is not consequent enough and says that to pass the blame on someone else, or in this case on something bigger.
    In conclussion saying that «the end justifies the means», in my opinion, is just one way of playing your acts down (and not in a good way) and trying to justify them without taking charge of them.

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  14. luislobezno 11 diciembre, 2018 / 8:51 pm

    I don’t agree with that because to achieve one thing you have to work it and get it peacefully if you have to regret wounded, for me that’s a pretty radical thought.

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  15. Jorge Bechesi Navarro 11 diciembre, 2018 / 4:46 pm

    I disagree with this affirmation because it can be use to justify bad actions like a war or establish dictatorships: we must remember that phrase it was said by Machiavelli, who wrote a book about the power and how we can reach it. The sentence doesn’t have sense too because the end justifies the means, but what end’s justifies?

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