Earth Day 2019

As you know, yesterday we  celebrated Earth Day all around the planet. This picture tries to show the impact that the different species which inhabit the planet leave on it. What do you think of our carbon footprint or pollution because of plastic? What could we do to avoid leaving such a legacy for the future?

Proper English


Examine this menu carefully. Pay attention to the translation of the dishes.

What do you think of them? What went wrong here?

Convey The Convoy

Hello everybody,

While looking into the difference between ‘convoy’ and ‘convey’ I’ve come across an interesting youtube video based on an old videogame.

I find it really amazing when I come across these things, especially because of all the new things I can learn while surfing the net.

Does it also happen to you? What’s the most surprising, weird or bizarre fact that you’ve found while using the Internet?


By the way… ‘convoy’ and ‘convey’  DO share the same etymology:

«The two words convey (a verb) and convoy (which may be a verb or a noun) not only look similar but also share an etymology, although their meanings have diverged slightly. Academics – and all careful writers – should be careful to distinguish them.»

«Etymological note: both convey and convoy are derived from the Latin via, ‘road, way’ (which becomes voie in modern French), prefixed by con, a form of cum, ‘with’. In Northern French, this took the form cunveier; in central French, it was convoier


Thanks for your interesting questions!


Read this headline from last week’s British newspaper The Guardian. It is about the way the John Bercow, Speaker of the House Of Commons, asked for order last week, when the Commons were discussing about Brexit:

» The thunderous pronouncements of the Speaker of the House of Commons have become the subject of numerous profiles in European newspapers and a fair few highlights videos shared heavily on social media. One article in a Dutch newspaper suggested: ‘The only order in British politics comes from John Bercow’s mouth in these turbulent days'»

Now watch this video and say what you think about Brexit and why you think British politicians are finding it so difficult to reach an agreement.




An earworm, sometimes known as a brainworm, sticky music, stuck song syndrome, or Involuntary Musical Imagery (IMI) is a catchy piece of music that continually repeats through a person’s mind after it is no longer playing. (Definition from the Wikipedia)

Have you ever had an ‘earworm’? How did you feel about it? Did you use any techniques to get rid of it or did you wait for the earworm to vanish from your head?

This Xmas I’ve suffered from one: The Xmas song I played to you before the break. I couldn’t get it out of my head though I tried and tried and tried…

Tell us your experience(s) about this.

The End Justifies The Means

Apparently, some people think that a good outcome justifies any wrongs committed to attain it. For example, getting independence by any means, that’s it, using violence or risking human lives. This is what this common idiom is used for.

Do you agree with it?