“Man up” “Be a man” “Boys don’t cry”

WHERE DO STEREOTYPES AND CONCEPTS OF MASCULINITY COME FROM? Read this and say if you agree. Give examples of the society where you live.

Sexism is most often thought of as something that affects girls and women. What is less understood and mostly not acknowledged is the impact of sexism on our concepts of masculinity and male culture. The messages boys receive at an early age about what it means to be male are limiting, confining, stereotypical and very powerful, especially because they are not typically articulated as such. These messages come from family, peers, the media and elsewhere, telling boys and men how to behave and feel, relate to each other and girls/women, what their role and stature is in society.

26 respuestas a ““Man up” “Be a man” “Boys don’t cry”

  1. Mairena Garcia 18 marzo, 2018 / 11:33 pm

    I agree with this text, stereotypes harm men and women, always men have had to be tough and strong while women were weak and fragile.

    This text sends an important message
    stereotypes should not exist, each person should be free.

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  2. emma castaño 18 marzo, 2018 / 11:02 pm

    Unfortunately this is true… Since chilhood we are taught with stereotypics. I think this is a madness because I hardly think that some people need some advices and other people othe advices. But fourtunately this is changing!!!

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  3. victor olmedo cañas 18 marzo, 2018 / 10:46 pm

    We believe that we live in a society where stereotypes influence our lives as when I was a child playing the game or cars and girls could only play dolls and if a girl played ball or something like that was not well seen and the same if a guy was I saw playing with dolls, the same thing happens with colors like pink for girls and blue for children

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  4. Andrei Scorus 18 marzo, 2018 / 9:54 pm

    In my opinion, we do not have to listen to what is spoken in society, not always. The opposite does not help us. I believe that men are the same as women, we should not discriminate against them. Both men and women must fight for equality and for having the same rights

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  5. Laura Morales 18 marzo, 2018 / 9:31 pm

    I agree with this article. Since childhood, society, our family, tells us or teaches us that girls have to wear pink, or we have to like makeup. On the contrary, children have to wear blue, play futbol, they should not cry because that is about girls.
    Society is changing, but it still needs to move forward a lot.

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  6. Esther aguado 18 marzo, 2018 / 9:21 pm

    I think that stereotypes shouldn’t exist because they create a machismo society because they tell you what the color of pink is from an early age and what is blue from an early age or they also tell you that crying is from nenazas and that isn’t true since think that everything should be the same no matter what gender you are

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  7. Noelia Salvago López 18 marzo, 2018 / 9:06 pm

    I completely agree with this, we all see sexism as a problem that affects only women, but obviously men are afected too, and it can affect them more than we think.
    Since they are little kids, boys are limited to do «man things» like playing with cars and not dolls, wear blue instead of pink, playing football and the most important: they are men, so they can not cry.
    I think this is a very stupid stereoype. Crying is never a bad thing, no matter what the others say, if you need or want to cry if you’re a man or a woman it doesn’t care, you are no hurting anyone so nobody can tell you that what you do is wrong.
    Everyone can do everything and we don’t have to let people tell us what we should do or what we shouldn’t.

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  8. Marta Mena Ligero 18 marzo, 2018 / 6:53 pm

    I totally agree with this article. Although society is changing little by little it has not changed yet, and there are still people who think: do not wear this because it is pink and you are a boy. Or do not play with dolls that are a boy and this is just stupid. This also happens with sports, a guy can do volleyball or rhythmic gymnastics just like a girl can do judo or football. Society has to keep changing.

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  9. Miriam Perona 18 marzo, 2018 / 5:36 pm

    I agree whith that. Since we are children, we hyave been educated buying dolls for girls and cars or balls for boys, also in clothes, blue for boys and pink for girls. I think that are still many things to change so that everything goes well in society.

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  10. Sandra Blanco 18 marzo, 2018 / 5:36 pm

    In my opinion, although we live in a society that is advanced in certain aspects, we still have a long way to go in this area. Still, today there are parents who do not let their sons enroll in certain extracurricular activities such as rhythmic gymnastics or dancing and this is done because it would be a «girl thing», even the other children would make fun of him. This also happens in reverse, there are still parents who would not point their daughters to rugby for example for the same reason.

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  11. clara moreno 18 marzo, 2018 / 3:28 pm

    Nowadays, we still live in a sexist society where women earn less money than men developing the same job or where women are afraid of going alone in the street because of the bullying often received by men. As we could see last week, women are tired of these aspects so they decided to fight for the womens´right. I think that things have changed in the last years but that there are a lot of other aspects to change inmediately.

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  12. Gemma Serrano 17 marzo, 2018 / 11:54 pm

    In my opinion, we don’t have to pay attention to society. The opposite doesn’t help us. I believe that men are just as people as women, they can cry the same or even more than women, we shouldn’t discriminate against them. Women defend feminism, but when we see a man crying the first thing you think is that he is not a real man.

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  13. Eva López 17 marzo, 2018 / 8:04 pm

    This video makes me think about the purpose of the school. It is true that we are very lucky to be able to go to school but there are some things that do not seem good to me.
    At school we do math, literature, etc … but they do not focus on the things that we will really need when we go out into the world alone. For example, what good is it for me to know the work of Lope de Vega if I do not know how to face a problem later?
    To this day, some teachers try to help us know how to live well when we go to work but education in general only focuses on learning some dates and some lessons that we will later forget after a week. This will not help us in the future.

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  14. Eva López 17 marzo, 2018 / 8:03 pm

    I totally agree with the text. Currently, stereotypes are still happening and it is something that should be finished as soon as possible.
    For example, some girls are prohibited from playing some sports for «boys» such as football or rugby. In addition, some children are considered «gay» for crying in public or for expressing their feelings because, in our society, that is something well seen in girls but not in boys.
    All people should be able to do the things that they would really like to do and not those that are imposed on them, that is why these stereotypes should end as soon as possible.

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  15. Raul Burillo 17 marzo, 2018 / 2:05 pm

    In today’s society, there’s still a lot of machismo although we have tried to reduce it. Now and in the future, there will be always people who don’t keep in mind women or they just think that women can’t do the same kind of things as men. However, I believe that people should continue teaching men to respect them and theirselves too. We have to teach boys to dress as they like and to socialize to the people that they want. Girls don’t have to be pink and boys blue. Society has to stop and not follow these bad habits.

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  16. martasalinasmunilla 17 marzo, 2018 / 1:04 pm

    I agree with that. When we were kids our parents bought toys depending of sex. For example, for girls all pink, dolls, houses… and for boys all blue, cars, balls..
    We must change this stereotypes, boys can play with dolls and the girls can play with cars. Not only we must this, also other important things.

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  17. Maria Quevedo Buitrago 11 marzo, 2018 / 5:02 pm

    I agree with this article. We live in a society conditioned by ideals that we must change.
    They have taught us since childhood that blue is a color for boys and pink for girls, that cars are for boys and dolls for girls. We live in a society in which it’s criticized that boys use makeup or paint their nails, and that girls play football because it is “a sport for men”. And as the article says, it’s not well seen that men cry.
    We still have much to improve in order to have a society with freedom, but we must being by letting each one be free to choose their preferences without being judged by others.

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  18. martajdom2001 11 marzo, 2018 / 1:11 pm

    I agree with the previous comments of my colleagues, I believe that among all we must change the stereotypes and the inequality between men and women, since I believe that from small we already have a great difference between boys and girls. Today there are as many prejudices as there were years ago but there is still much to change so that everything goes well in society

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  19. Irene Martinez Quevedo 10 marzo, 2018 / 6:46 pm

    I think we live in a society where stereotypes influence our lives. I believe these messages come from family, peers, friends, the society in general. We live in a society with different stereotypes, we can see such as children wear blue clothes and girls wear pink clothes. Also, when i was a baby i played with dolls and my brother played with cars.
    The stereotypes are always in our lives and is very difficult that we finish with them

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  20. silviaortizs 10 marzo, 2018 / 1:54 pm

    Unfortunately, yes, this is so, and although it has envolved and changed a bit and we already recognize how bad things are made, there is still sexism, there are still stereotypes between women and men, where if you get out of there, you’re weird, they judge you or they laugh at you.
    We are all born completely free and equal, independently of our gender, but the machst and sexist society remains ready to educate in its archaic and wrong culture. And although the majority of our generation has been educated in sexism, I believe and I’m glad that we have realized how badly they have done it, our parents, our friends, our teachers, society in general.
    But there are pepole who are still educated in sexism, and who maybe never know the social crime that they are committing with that form. And if it doesn’t change, and there are still pepole like that, although I hope less and less, the sexism will always exist.
    In any case, dress as you want, feel as you want, forget the stereotypes and be yourself.
    Out sexism, and let’s act to freedom and equality, wich should be our culture.

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  21. Nerea García López 9 marzo, 2018 / 4:10 pm

    I’m totally agree with that. I experience myself how my father scold my brother because of clean the dishes or how I was obligated to clean my house, while my brother was playing video games and I had to study, so it’ true that the family established the roles.

    Today, and fortunately, less and less, it’s looked down upon socially, that a boy cry, because it’s not considered like a «masculine», and that is something very sad.

    Also, there are other steretypes such as, if a girl has short hair, is a boy; or the color pink is for girl, and blue for boys; or dolls for girls and cars for boys; etc.

    We have to change our society.

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  22. Santiago Flores Millán 8 marzo, 2018 / 5:40 pm

    I agree, that girls and women have to be treated in the same way than boys and men. Because all of us are human beings who have the same rights.

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  23. Irene Grande 3 marzo, 2018 / 2:05 pm

    I completely agree with the article. The society educates girls and boys to follow cernain rules according to their sex, for example, boys plays with cars and toy guns and girls with dolls and toy kitchen, since they are little, society teach them how is be mother.

    A man told my brother not to give him two kisses to say hello, because the kisses are only given to the girls and shake hands is for men.
    Society doesn’t like a man to cry because they think that cry is to be a weak and this is reserved for women.

    Definitely we have to progress to end with sexism that forces us to live in a cernain way.

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  24. Sara Mateo 1 marzo, 2018 / 8:58 pm

    According to this article about stereotypes, which is a very real and totally true in the society in which we live.
    I find it a very interesting topic and it is less talked about than it should be.
    We live in a society of very marked stereotypes, such as children relate to blue and girls to pink. Also, boys play with cars and girls play with dolls. But this should not be the case, everyone is free to choose their tastes, hobbies … without matter what the society thinks.

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  25. Ángela MPH 27 febrero, 2018 / 6:27 pm

    It is totally true that throughout history, the society has had a lot of stereotypes and concepts of masculinity and femininity, which had hurt a lot of people.
    This is fortunately changing, but there are still a lot of things (like harassment to women in the streets, sexist clouthing, etc), that must change.
    We all should work on it, because a society without stereotypes will benefit everyone.

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  26. ismaelgx2 15 febrero, 2018 / 5:16 pm

    We have had the misfortune of living in a macho society in which women have a lower role compared to that of a man, being considered as the inferior sex or even worse as simple objects. With the day to day luckily this is disappearing every time since the machismo is not well. It is true that before there were the stereotypes of the typical strong man who is good at sciences and sports, or who only chooses blue and is heterosexual. But over time this has been disappearing, there are men who like the color pink, who like painting as well as women who like science careers that this was very rare to see before. There are men who change sex or put on makeup and are no longer afraid to go out on the street like before because they know that society changes over time. And that the men do not cry is a lie, I tell you, when I was a little younger I cried like a cupcake. Sexism I think that I do not give as much as before and I appreciate it, and obviously I do not agree with sexism.

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