
Read this headline from last week’s British newspaper The Guardian. It is about the way the John Bercow, Speaker of the House Of Commons, asked for order last week, when the Commons were discussing about Brexit:

» The thunderous pronouncements of the Speaker of the House of Commons have become the subject of numerous profiles in European newspapers and a fair few highlights videos shared heavily on social media. One article in a Dutch newspaper suggested: ‘The only order in British politics comes from John Bercow’s mouth in these turbulent days'»

Now watch this video and say what you think about Brexit and why you think British politicians are finding it so difficult to reach an agreement.



10 respuestas a “Ordeeeer!

  1. luciajimenez23 22 marzo, 2019 / 9:32 pm

    I think that if they want to leave the UE they’re in their right, and i support them because they must have their reasons and thoughts about the question.

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  2. mariiapalomares 22 marzo, 2019 / 7:21 pm

    The creation of the EU had the continued incorporation of countries with the aim of creating a large commercial and monetary block.

    The abandonment of one of the members was not contemplated because of its consequences for the Union.

    So, I think that leaving the UK is a bad new for the permanence of this Union.
    the long process that we are witnessing without a final agreement is due to the tightness of the results of the referendum, facing two blocs, the no supporters, who seek a 2nd referendum, and the yes supporters, who seek the way most successful for the British economy.

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  3. rociobelloncobogmailcom 22 marzo, 2019 / 5:08 pm

    I don´t agree with the brexit because it means the exit of Britain of EU .I think that Britain is a big source in Europe and in my opinion it isn´t fair for the Europeans its exit

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  4. angel sanchez 22 marzo, 2019 / 3:40 pm

    I think British politicians are finding it so difficult to reach an agreement because just as the population is divided by the Brexit (some in favour and others against). The politicians of the House of Commons are also divided, some in favour of a complete and fast exit from the EU and others in favour to stay in the EU.That’s why politicians never reach an agreement as we can see every day in the news.
    I think that UK’s exit from the EU would be bad for the UK’s economy and would also be bad for the EU because it would lose one of the more important countries

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    • celiamedina03 22 marzo, 2019 / 6:00 pm

      Brexit doesn’t benefit us, because if we are more and stronger, is better.
      Politicians want to leave the European community without paying what they owe

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  5. luislobezno 21 marzo, 2019 / 3:46 pm

    What I think about brexit is that it will be prejudicial to England as over time they will be affected and will not have support from any European country. They do not reach any agreement since many English want to stay in the European Union and others want to leave.

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  6. ajdls 18 marzo, 2019 / 8:11 pm

    Well I consider that British politicians haver underestimated the EU. They decided to celebrate a referendum which ended up with the «victory» of who supported the Brexit. I daresay this victory is very relative as we can also find out that nearly half of the British inhabitans agree on being part of the EU so, which is truly the most democratic option: paying attention to barely 53% of the population-leaving behind 47% of them- or reching a common point of view? Moreover, Biritsh politicians have tried to impose their own conditions which is very dary as they would have known that european politicians would want the most beneficial agreement for them not caring abour the UK anymore. Now many countries as Spain have taken advantage of this situation and are trying to get back to their priviledged positions in the EU and in the world, which had been occupated by the UK since long ago.

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  7. Vann Strainir 29 enero, 2019 / 4:18 pm

    I think that Brexit will be very bad for the UK’s economy and the British emigrants in the EU. The European citizens will be affected due to the United Kingdom is one of the most powerful countries in the wor
    In my opinion, British politicians are discussing a lot because of Parlament is divided in two factions: the British Government and the Labour Party that are pro-Union and the right-wing party UKIP, pro-Brexit. I think that a lot of people that vote ‘Yes’ in the Brexit referendum regretted after they knew that many news about the benefits of the Brexit were fake.

    I believe that Brexit won’t be real and there will be a second referendum.

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