Convey The Convoy

Hello everybody,

While looking into the difference between ‘convoy’ and ‘convey’ I’ve come across an interesting youtube video based on an old videogame.

I find it really amazing when I come across these things, especially because of all the new things I can learn while surfing the net.

Does it also happen to you? What’s the most surprising, weird or bizarre fact that you’ve found while using the Internet?


By the way… ‘convoy’ and ‘convey’  DO share the same etymology:

«The two words convey (a verb) and convoy (which may be a verb or a noun) not only look similar but also share an etymology, although their meanings have diverged slightly. Academics – and all careful writers – should be careful to distinguish them.»

«Etymological note: both convey and convoy are derived from the Latin via, ‘road, way’ (which becomes voie in modern French), prefixed by con, a form of cum, ‘with’. In Northern French, this took the form cunveier; in central French, it was convoier


Thanks for your interesting questions!

13 respuestas a “Convey The Convoy

  1. luciajimenez23 22 marzo, 2019 / 9:42 pm

    It doesn’t happen frequently to me because i don’t usually use internet, but one time i was looking for music in youtube and i found a turtle singing a taylor swift’s song.

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  2. sergimur09 22 marzo, 2019 / 7:56 pm

    It happens to me all the time, I like watching poltergeist and paranormal videos on YouTube, My favorite one is a woman being dragged down a hallway. The most curious thing that I found on the internet is that a woman have had eight children in an hour.

    Me gusta

  3. celiamedina03 22 marzo, 2019 / 6:23 pm

    yes, internet is a great place to discover new things. At first I didn’t find any interest, but then I startrd watching about people,s ecperiences and trips

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  4. cogp04 22 marzo, 2019 / 5:56 pm

    The weirdest thing that i saw in internet is a video of a man doing tutorials about how to sleep or how to breath. It is so hilarious and you think that internet is a big cloud of so much strange things or normal things.

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  5. Maria Reyes 22 marzo, 2019 / 4:47 pm

    Yes, that happened to me. Internet is the ideal place to find surprising and strange things. I remember some videos that I found of a woman who sang horrible, but she thought she sang well and she gave eveything singing.

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  6. angel sanchez 22 marzo, 2019 / 4:26 pm

    Yes, on the Internet I always find surprising curiosities about the things we see every day . One of the most surprising things I found on the Internet was to find a complete series that was recorded in my city 48 years ago, and the strangest thing that I have found on the Internet is for example that according to a study, in the USA there are more plastic flamingos that in flesh and bone.

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  7. luislobezno 21 marzo, 2019 / 3:50 pm

    The strangest thing that has happened to me searching the net is that browsing YouTube searching for interesting videos, I found one that said «how to enter YouTube» and I was surprised and it seemed very strange and very absurd since you open it and You are on YouTube.

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  8. sheilasf26 20 marzo, 2019 / 8:49 pm

    Yes, it also happened to me. When I was looking for new music ,I got a video about Donald trump singing Korean songs, It was made by fans. The video is weird but it´s really hillarious

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  9. ajdls 18 marzo, 2019 / 7:51 pm

    The internet can be really surprising. I will never forget when I started using this useful tool deeply- about 4 years ago- with the aim of finding out which was the ways other countries were ruled.Everything was going on well, however, when it came to search for information about the USA, my mind blew up. Wherever I entered said that the USA was ruled by reptilians or even more bizare creatures. During the next few days I was convinced that was true so I told my parents about my discovery. As soon as I told them so they bursted out laughing. Eventually they explained me all of that was noting but conspiracy theories. OMG, how could I be so foolish?!

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  10. martapj15 17 marzo, 2019 / 8:23 pm

    It also happens to me. I trie not to surf on the Internet very often because when that happens I lose track of time and then I don’t have time to do the things I should have done while I was surfing on the Internet. Although I don’t remember an specific fact, I enjoy watching videos of storytimes and also about people travelling and eating weird food.

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  11. Jorge Bechesi 11 marzo, 2019 / 6:27 pm

    Yes, Internet is a great place to learn and discover new things. I don’t remember what was the most incredible fact I found, but I’m very surprised when I listen people talking about their experiences in other countries. Do’s and don’ts are really nice too. Yesterday, for example, I learnt in South Korea is regular to spit and fart in the street.

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