Proper English


Examine this menu carefully. Pay attention to the translation of the dishes.

What do you think of them? What went wrong here?

9 respuestas a “Proper English

  1. luciajimenez23 16 junio, 2019 / 6:56 pm

    I think that people usually translate things into english to look more cool and attract more public, but, as we can see, people sometimes don’t know about english but they try to look like if they knew. I think that people shouldn’t look like something they aren’t.

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  2. mariiapalomares 22 marzo, 2019 / 7:47 pm

    In my opinion, I should be ashamed, since English is one of the most spoken languages.
    In this menu many dishes have been translated directly from Spanish, and in English it doesn’t make sense, and it’s ridiculous.
    If you do not know how to write a menu in English, forget it, and do it only in Spanish, or at least, worry that what you have written really exists.

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  3. sergimur09 22 marzo, 2019 / 7:47 pm

    I find funny the way that they translated everything so literal but some animals aren’t translated. I think it’s a big problem that we all have had in the past. You may have seen it in some writings, that’s why you don’t have to use Google translator, Rocío does it but don’t blame her.

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  4. celiamedina03 22 marzo, 2019 / 6:39 pm

    This is a serious problem for those people who want to eat in a restaurant and want to order typical food from Spain.

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  5. mariasm30 22 marzo, 2019 / 5:18 pm

    In my opinion, English is a well-known language, and it is very important that it be understood very well, then translate and not have errors

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  6. martapj15 22 marzo, 2019 / 5:12 pm

    I think that this is a very serious problem that a lot of people have. They have translated the Spanish name of every dish into English and they have done it word by word. In some cases they have just translated a part of the name I think that this is kind of funny because I guess the person who wrote this wanted to help foreigners, but I can imagine their faces trying to find out what do the dishes mean. We should stop thinking that literal translations are good translations because the truth is that they aren’t. Every language has its own way of saying the same thing, but that doesn’t mean that all language have to use the same words or expressions. If I were the person who wrote this menu, I would feel really embarrassed.

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  7. rociobelloncobogmailcom 22 marzo, 2019 / 5:02 pm

    In my opinion it´s very important speak english very well.Hawever ,there are a lot people who speak and translate bad.We can see examples of this in menu´s restaurants.Like “PARILLA OF MARISCO”

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  8. luislobezno 21 marzo, 2019 / 3:43 pm

    what happens is that in many dishes their names are not translated into English when they can be translated perfectly. an explanation may be that they want to leave their original name since it gives the dish an exotic atmosphere and so people eat it.

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