Earth Day 2019

As you know, yesterday we  celebrated Earth Day all around the planet. This picture tries to show the impact that the different species which inhabit the planet leave on it. What do you think of our carbon footprint or pollution because of plastic? What could we do to avoid leaving such a legacy for the future?

18 respuestas a “Earth Day 2019

  1. angel sanchez 17 junio, 2019 / 8:53 am

    I think we are leaving a very bad carbon footprint in the planet due to all the pollution and waste that we produce every day and that we don`t collect, producing images such as the seas full of plastic.
    A solution to solve this serious problem would be to try to make people aware of the global problem we have and how they could help, reducing, recycling and reusing the waste and the energy.

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  2. luciajimenez23 16 junio, 2019 / 6:19 pm

    What i believe is that goverments should think more about the earth, and not about the money. The point is that companies only think about increasing their goods by doing anything to obtain that. People must think twice about throwing rubbish to the street, because once we destroy our planet, there won’t be any planet B

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  3. daniel herreros jimenez 16 junio, 2019 / 4:17 pm

    I think that not dump plastic and waste on the floor and recycle more. if recycle, will reduce the production of more elements like the plastic or the paper. If recycle more paper, will get more trees to the future. There are some ideas to reduce the waste, another idea is, if you don`t return glass bottle, don´t give you another.

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  4. mariareyes2304 16 junio, 2019 / 4:05 pm

    I think that humans do not realize that the Earth is their only home and they are destroying it, as we do not stop, we are going to destroy our planet. In

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    • mariareyes2304 16 junio, 2019 / 4:13 pm

      In addition, because of our fault, thousands of species have disappeared or are in danger of extinction. To avoid all this, the goverments of the countries should create laws against plastic and use renewable energies.

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  5. mariiapalomares 16 junio, 2019 / 4:04 pm

    In my opinión , there are people who don’t really see what the world is running into , and that aspect is a consequence of all the litter that is thrown away day by day, and if we don’t do nothing the world will continue getting worse until nothing can be done.
    But I don’t know what we can do because has been made recycling campaigns, ads…and nothing is solved.

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  6. cogp04 16 junio, 2019 / 2:39 pm

    I think that the human greed don’t know about limits, and right now is moment to stop and do something well with our planet. A solution of this problem is using renewable energies to keep the air clean and reduce the pollution.

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  7. Jorge Bechesi 16 junio, 2019 / 1:08 pm

    As one person said previously, our governments have to legislate about the environment’s problem harder than actually, because the actions that they are doing are insufficient. Also, if we don’t are concerned about global warming, our carbon footprint and the pollution because of plastic, we can’t solve anything. I think that people know about these, but they think that the problem won’t be solved by one-person’s lifestyle. Finally, some things that we can do are, for example, buy food without plastic (hard work, but possible) or use non-polluting ways of transport or public transport.

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  8. mariasm30 16 junio, 2019 / 1:02 pm

    I Think that as we continue like this, the world Will end faster, to help improve it, we would have to recycle more and campaign to collect littler from the beaches.

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  9. celiamedina03 16 junio, 2019 / 12:55 pm

    I think that in this way we are ending the world without realizing it. To stop this disaster, we need to pay more attention to what we are doing and take care of the world a little more. Nobody wants to see a world full of plastic.

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  10. ajdls 16 junio, 2019 / 12:11 pm

    As to face this problem, I think our governments should pull their weight on it. It’s true that nowadays more and more people have taken awareness of pollution. On the other hand, there’s a great deal of people who still believe our planet is completely save and there’s no such a problem. That´s why our governments should legislate about this. This way, we will all contribute to improve this alarming situation.

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  11. rociobelloncobogmailcom 16 junio, 2019 / 12:27 am

    About this topic I think that we are the reason why this is happening, we pollute a lot, more than we need to and nobody is doing something to change it because we are not seeing the results yet. The most efficient solution for me is that we should collaborate to change everything

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  12. sheilasf26 15 junio, 2019 / 7:51 pm

    I think that we are damaging the world. If each person puts a bit of his part to recycle and take care of the environment, the world slowy can change to better and all the people can live in a better conditions

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  13. adn0396 13 junio, 2019 / 7:57 pm

    I think that what we are doing is not right, to improve the situation we must do the following things: separate the garbage, use products that can be reused, turn off the lights, to eat green fruits and vegetables don’t leave the appliance plugged in, close the faucets correctly, use the thermostat and move in public transport.

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  14. rome999 11 junio, 2019 / 2:38 pm

    What I believe is that whenever a new species passes it leaves its mark and ours will be the plastic but if we recycle we will leave another brand

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  15. martapj15 3 junio, 2019 / 8:41 pm

    I think that what we are doing to our planet is really sad. I believe that is very ungrateful on our side the way we are taking care of our planet. The planet in which next generations will live. A planet we are polluting with all of our rubbish. In my opinion, to avoid leaving such a legacy for the future, we should recycle, stop using disposable products, reduce the use of plastic…

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  16. juanvalverdeextremera 25 abril, 2019 / 4:57 pm

    Well, human beings are the species that cause the most damage to the planet and one way to avoid it would be to raise awareness of the new generations so they can repair all the mistakes we have made.

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  17. luislobezno 23 abril, 2019 / 6:55 pm

    What I think is that when we go somewhere we always leave our mark with plastics that we do not throw away and food remains while the animals only leave their footprints. What we can do is throw all our garbage into the container since it does not cost us so much and always pick up what we find since it can be harmful to the environment.

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